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Meet the 2023 RI Shop Local Market Vendors

The Business Empowerment Alliance of Rhode Island (BEARI) hosted its first RI Shop Local Holiday Market on December 6th. The marketplace featured unique products and services from over 30 local, social, BIPOC, and/or LGTBQ product-based businesses. 

Image Credit: Rafael Medina

Check Out the 2023 Vendors

Anyhow Studio A community pottery studio that offers classes, open studio, kiln access and more

Website: anyhowstudioprovidence.com | Email: lizwelch@anyhowstudioprovidence.com | Instagram: @anyhowstudioprovidence | Facebook: facebook.com/anyhowstudioprovidence

Aura Chocolates Small Batch Artisan Chocolate Confections.

Wesbite: auraschocolatebar.com | Email: info@auraschocolatebar.com | Instagram: @auraschocolate

Bellicchi’s Classic Biscotti Classic Italian Biscotti

Website: bellicchisclassicbiscotti.com | Email: bellicchisclassicbiscotti@gmail.com

Black Dollar LLC Apparel promoting powernomics within and in support of the Black community

Email: blackdollar7us@gmail.com | Instagram: @blackdollar7us

BORN-O UNIFORMS Fashionable, affordable, antimicrobial joggers, scrubs, and uniforms

Website: bornouniforms.com | Email: contact@bornouniforms.com | Instagram: @bornouniforms | Facebook: facebook.com/bornouniforms

Boxed in Black Elegant gifts that feature premium items from Black-owned and culturally diverse brands

Website: boxedinblack.com | Email: crystal@boxedinblack.com | Instagram: @boxed.inblack | Facebook: facebook.com/boxedinblack

Canellebymg Camisetas Basicas inspiradas en el amor propio

Website: canellebymg.com/collections/nuevo-1 | Email: Canellebymg@gmail.com| Instagram: @canellebymg

CandlesByJudith Soy-scented candles made with intentions

Website: candlesbyjudith.com | Email: jahossi@gmail.com | Instagram: @candlesbyjudith

Caribe & Co. All Natural Syrups w/ Caribbean-inspired flavors

Website: caribeandco.com/shop | Email: Info@caribeandco.com | Instagram: @caribeandco

Carito Creations Arts & crafts

Email: cbriones09@gmail.com

DouBaby Essentials

Website: biolinky.co/legacysupport | Email: douessentials@gmail.com | Instagram: @doubabyessentials | Facebook: facebook.com/Doubabyessentials

Earthly Essentials LLC Handmade natural hair & body care

Website: earthlyessentialsllc.com | Email: Lavasciaw@gmail.com | Instagram: @earthlyessentials__

Empanada Assassin LLC 30+ Specialty Empanadas/Pates Inspired by Haiti & Martinique

Website: empanadaassassin.com | Email: info@empanadaassassin.com | Instagram: @empanada_assassin | Facebook: facebook.com/empanadaassassin

Geri’s Bluffing Boutique Personal Shopping Experience of African Apparel, Accessories and Gifts

Website: bluffingboutique.com | Email: bluffingboutique@gmail.com | Instagram: @gerisbluffingboutique | Facebook: facebook.com/gerisbluffingboutique

Good Look by Pao

Email: Paolanunezreyes@gmail.com

Key Treats LLC Custom Sugar Cookies and treats 

Website: keytreatsri.com | Email: Keytreatsllc@gmail.com | Instagram: @keytreatsri

KDhair Norgplex products Natural organic complex hair products to restore and strengthen hair follicles

Website: kdhairnorgplex.com | Email: Info.kdhair10@gmail.com | Instagram: @kdhairnorgplex

Kristi’s Kraftails Refreshing Mocktails/Cocktails, locally sourced, seasonally inspired, low sugar, GF, V, balanced Kraftails

Email: Kristi@kristiskraftails.com | Instagram: @kristiskraftails

La Belle Peche Ethically grown coffee beans roasted to perfection in RI

Website: labellepeche.com | Email: labellepechedesigns@gmail.com | Instagram: @labellepeche_coffee

Mathilde Linen heirloom quilts that are intricately detailed and delightfully modern, handmade in RI

Website: mathildehome.com | Email: mathildehome.usa@gmail.com | Instagram: @mathildehome | Facebook: facebook.com/MathildeHomeUSA

Mary Kay Cosmetics

Email: tarithahill@gmail.com

My Skirt Dealer 100% Upcycled silk wrap skirts and scarves

Website: myskirtdealer.com | Email: myskirtdealer@gmail.com | Instagram: @myskirtdealer

Nygee’s Naturals Crafting ethical skincare

Email: Nygeesnaturalz@gmail.com | Instagram: @nygeesnaturalz92

Orisirisi Spice of Life Family-owned company revolutionizing the pepper sauce industry with many unique flavors

Website: orisirisispiceoflife.com | Email: ramonhinds@gmail.com | Instagram: @orisirisi_spiceoflife | Facebook: facebook.com/OrisirisiSpiceofLife

Prosperity Box

Email: Lunathemoon613@gmail.com | Instagram: @theogluna

Project Butter All natural vegan and cruelty-free self-care products handcrafted with love

Email: Projectbutter23@gmail.com | Instagram: @projectbutter

Sashoonya Sustainable textile products using local materials and dyes derived from natural surroundings in New England

Website: sashoonya.com | Email: aleksandra.azbel@fulbrightmail.org | Instagram: @sashoonya

Smada Cosmetics Black-owned Rhode Island-based cosmetics company

Website: smadacosmetics.com | Email: Smadacosmetics@gmail.com | Instagram: @smadacosmetics

Soulita Skincare essentials that restore and preserve natural beauty

Website: soulita.com | Email: hello@soulita.com | Instagram: @shopsoulita | Facebook: facebook.com/shopsoulita

Street Style

Email: Yesiestra88@icloud.com | Instagram: @streetstyle___store

Tastemaker Publishing LLC Creating books, learning tools, and health and educational programming for children

Website: yvonnewilkins.com | Email: Yvonne@tastemakerpublishing.com | Instagram: @yvonnethewritinggoddess

Thrive Cakery High-quality, hand-crafted cookies with a unique twist

Website: www.thrivecakery.com | Email: Thrivecakery@gmail.com | Instagram: @thrive_cakery

Tuk Tuk Co. Asian-inspired stationary and merchandise

Website: etsy.com/shop/HeyTukTuk?ref=seller-platform-mcnav | Email: thetuktukllc@gmail.com | Instagram: @heytuktuk.co