Home2017 Health and Wellness Accelerator CohortNews & Community2017 Health and Wellness Accelerator Cohort

2017 Health and Wellness Accelerator Cohort

Introducing the 2017 Health and Wellness Accelerator Cohort! The Health and Wellness Accelerator is a 12 week program that offers world class industry-tailored curriculum, customized face-to-face instruction and peer learning, and access to SEG networks to help your business grow. These social enterprises will begin the program in September 2017, culminating with a Commencement Celebration and Pitch Event on December 7, 2017.

SEG welcomes Datain, a Korean business joining us through a partnership with New England Medical Innovation Center. Datain is a company which has expertise based in data processing and analysis to provide and better inform IoT healthcare systems.



Elderly Parent Resources provides resources as well as information and answers to difficult questions for those caring for a senior through their easy to navigate website and/or their resource manual. Their mission is to provide the most respected and best resources and support for caregivers and elders.

Contact: Betsy Sherry bbsherry37@gmail.com


Food on the Move makes buying healthy fruits and vegetables easier and affordable through their year-round mobile produce market that doubles the value of SNAP dollars.

Contact: Eliza Dexter Cohen edextercohen@riphi.org


Hands in Harmony is a LLC established by Neurologic, Board Certified and Licensed music therapist Nicole O’Malley, MT-BC, NMT LPMT that offers quality neurologic music therapy services throughout RI and nearby MA to groups and individuals of all ages.

Contact: Nicole O’Malley info@handsinharmonyri.com 


Kinetic Diabetic fights type II diabetes using teams of family & friends, who act out of care and compassion, to encourage those affected successfully manage their treatment.

Contact: Doug Atkins doug@douglascatkins.com


Momunity is a website that educates new and expecting moms and helps them find the support and care they need in their local community.

Contact: Melissa Richter melrichter@gmail.com


NaloxBox builds the capacity of bystander rescuers to save opiate overdose victims by strategically deploying smart function cabinets containing naloxone and rescue masks.

Contact: Geoff Capraro naloxboxproject@gmail.com


The Tapping Solution Foundation works to promote the healing effects of EFT/Tapping to those in need around the world.

Contact: susan@tappingsolutionfoundation.org


Technology Against Assault seeks to encourage survivors of sexual assault to seek medical care by scientifically modernizing the forensic medical exam.

Contact: Richard Park richard@techagainstassault.com and Bella Okiddy bella@techagainstassault.com


Therapy Missions Inc. brings professional therapists to the developing world where these services are scarce or non-existent through their teaching, treating and training model for sustainability.

Contact: Carol Doehler caroldoehler28@gmail.com

WatchRx, Inc.

WatchRX offers solutions to seniors, to improve quality of life, live independently with dignity; helps caregivers reduce their stress in caregiving.

Contact: jayanthi0307@watchrx.io


YANA (You Are Not Alone) is a social enterprise company whose mission is to eliminate loneliness. The company was created around the premise that four words, “You Are Not Alone”, have the power to change someone’s life…and yours.

Contact: Wayne Grover wayne@YANAcares.com