Letters From CEO Kelly Ramirez & Board Chairs MJ Kaplan and Kathy Bendheim
Letter From CEO Kelly Ramirez I am filled with gratitude as I reflect on my time at Social Enterprise Greenhouse. I moved […]
Cartas de CEO Kelly Ramirez & Miembros de la Junta MJ Kaplan y Kathy Bendheim
Un Próximo Capítulo Dinámico para SEG Después de dirigir la organización durante 13 años, Kelly Ramírez ha anunciado que dejará su cargo […]
People. PLANET. Profit.
At SEG, we always talk about the triple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit. It is what separates a social enterprise from a […]
What Cheer Flower Farm Wins Nonprofit Innovation Lab
What Cheer Flower Farm Wins Nonprofit Innovation Lab, Secures $50,000 in Seed Funding to Expand its Reach to Children Program of United […]