HomeIntroducing the Best for RI InitiativeNews & CommunityIntroducing the Best for RI Initiative

Introducing the Best for RI Initiative


A new initiative:

Social Enterprise Greenhouse supports social entrepreneurs in achieving their mission and creating positive social impact across Rhode Island. The Best for RI initiative is an opportunity to create even more positive social impact– by reaching out to our state’s mainstream businesses and promoting the idea of using business as a force for good. We are partnering with business, government and community organizations to present this program developed by the non-profit organization, B Lab, to help businesses assess and improve their community impact. We believe that over time, many small changes across a variety of  business practices can lead to tangible and measurable benefits for Rhode Island’s workers, communities and environment.

Why Rhode Island?

Our state is compact and entrepreneurial, with a wide variety of  businesses– all sizes and sectors. We see a lot of work being done here already to create positive change in our key areas of concern: workers, customers, environment, community and governance. We aim to raise awareness about positive social impact in our state, to convene stakeholders and bridge sectors so we can recognize efforts, identify opportunities for positive change and create even better outcomes for all Rhode Islanders.

How does it work?

Businesses can take the Best for RI Challenge which is a free, confidential self-assessment. There are a series of questions in an easy online format which can help you to take a closer look at your current business practices and to gauge how you compare to other businesses comparable to your size and your sector. Educational content is built into the assessment, through links embedded in each question. You can click on “show example,” “explain this” or “in practice” for more information while you are in the process. We hope to recognize you for the great work you are already doing, and provide further support for the areas you’d like to improve. There are educational opportunities for businesses such as free workshops, peer mentorship and consulting.

What is the potential for positive impact?

Perhaps the assessment helps you identify that you might reduce water usage? You’d like to formalize policies in your employee handbook? Or maybe you learn that there are areas in your supply chain or employee diversity that you might address? Best for RI doesn’t just help business owners to identify these areas, the initiative also provides support for how to do so. The goal is to help make Rhode Island a better place for business owners, workers and the greater community, and to do so together.

How can I get involved?

For more information about this initiative, contact Program Director Britt Page at info@bestforri.com or go to www.BestforRI.com.

As a business: Take the Best for RI Challenge! Go to www.BestforRI.com and take the assessment. Or register for a workshop where you’ll be guided through the assessment in person.

As a partner: SEG is seeking Strategic Partners who can help with technical assistance and Supporting Partners who can help spread the word about the Best for RI Initiative to our state’s diverse business community. Partners will receive free training from B Lab, access to metrics and outcome data and Best for RI program materials from SEG.

As a sponsor: SEG is inviting companies that are excited about fostering more socially responsible business in Rhode Island to become Best For RI sponsors. Email info@bestforri.com for information on the benefits of sponsorship.

As a university: You can engage with the Best for RI campaign in a number of ways. Offer a Best for RI/B Corp module in your curriculum, encourage graduate students to get trained to lead workshops helping businesses take the Best for RI Challenge and talk with us about engaging your supply chain in the Best for RI Challenge.

As a volunteer: Get in touch to explore ways you can volunteer and learn more about creating positive social impact!


Traci Picard
Venture Development Assistant

Traci Picard is a VISTA serving as Venture Development assistant here at SEG. She comes from the world of alternative health, running a small herbal business and teaching classes like Critical Thinking for Herbalists and Asking Better Questions. Traci is also a writer pursuing a Journalism degree, a mother of 3 and a passionate fan of books and the Public Library. Born in Providence, she has lived all over but continues to return home.

Contact: tpicard@segreenhouse.org