National Wellness Month
Self care is essential in all aspects of life, especially when it comes to juggling the balance between personal life and leading a venture. During these heavy times it’s important to check in with ourselves and one another to ensure we are making mental health a priority.
Preguntas y respuestas con Leisha M. Clemente de NEWERATAXES LLC
"Así que como mujeres súper, súper, súper bien difícil ser una mujer emprendedora y básicamente es importante entender que a pesar de todo eso, tenemos que cuidarnos a nosotras mismas."
Rhode Island Coalition of Business Service Organizations Receives Groundbreaking $1 Million SBA Community Navigator Grant
Utilizing a “hub and spoke” model the SBA’s Community Navigator Pilot Program will equip and empower Rhode Island’s historically underserved entrepreneurs Leer […]
Coalición de Organizaciones empresariales de Rhode Island recibe una subvención revolucionaria de $1 Millón del SBA por el Programa Piloto de Navegación Comunitaria
Utilizando el modelo “hub and spoke” el Programa Piloto de Navegador Comunitario va a equipar y empoderar los empresarios históricamente desatendidos en […]
One Gun Gone: A Youth Project in Art and Social Engagement
In September 2015, Scott Lapham founded One Gun Gone as an art and engagement project to raise awareness about gun violence. A […]
5 Things I Learned from How to Tell Your Brand story in the Digital Age with Pete Lucas
SEG hosted Pete Lucas, vice president of business development at JH Communications, in a class about telling our brand story. We talked […]
5 Things I Learned from Community Table with Garden Time
5 Things I Learned from Community Table with Garden Time Garden Time is a non-profit organization based in Rhode Island which provides […]
5 Things I Learned from the Community Table: Improving Health Outcomes with Innovative Models
This week’s Community Table event highlighted a unique partnership happening in Brockton, Massachusetts. Jason Barbosa is a co-owner of family food business […]