National Wellness Month
Self care is essential in all aspects of life, especially when it comes to juggling the balance between personal life and leading a venture. During these heavy times it’s important to check in with ourselves and one another to ensure we are making mental health a priority.
<strong>SEG otorga la primera ronda de Pequeñas subvenciones de capital para elevar las empresas de impacto en Rhode Island</strong>
Social Enterprise Greenhouse (SEG) otorgó $80,000 a 16 pequeñas empresas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro distintas de Rhode Island a través de su Microgrant Fund (Pequeña Subvención de Capital) recientemente lanzado.
SEG Awards First Round of Microgrants to Elevate Impact Businesses in Rhode Island
ocial Enterprise Greenhouse (SEG) awarded $80,000 to 16 distinct Rhode Island small businesses and nonprofits through its recently launched Microgrant Fund. Each awardee received up to $5,000 to support key activities or obtain the necessary tools that will help take ventures to the next level. SEG’s Microgrant Fund was established with an initial gift from donors Mary Elleen and Chris Patton earlier this year.
In Honor of Mothers
In the SEG ecosystem, you have ventures who are working to ensure that all types of mothers have the support they need throughout the journey. We have ventures that support mothers walking through pregnancy, birth, and sometimes loss learning how to navigate postpartum, breastfeeding, and parenting, moving through parenting and working, creating communities for moms, and raising the bar for more equitable maternal healthcare especially for Black and brown mothers.
Preguntas y respuestas con Leisha M. Clemente de NEWERATAXES LLC
"Así que como mujeres súper, súper, súper bien difícil ser una mujer emprendedora y básicamente es importante entender que a pesar de todo eso, tenemos que cuidarnos a nosotras mismas."
Women Championing the Voices of Women In Rhode Island
Kelly Nevins, the CEO of Women’s Fund of Rhode Island, and Anita Bruno, the Founder of Rhode Island Women in the Trades (RIWITT), are women determined to ensure women are heard across industries.
Chef Kaitlyn Roberts of Easy Entertaining: Making a difference in Rhode Island with local food
By Jinjuta Teeraratananukulchai, MBA Candidate at the University of Rhode Island July 23, 2016 If you have ever attended a Social Enterprise […]